Splitgate Wiki
Splitgate Wiki

Splitgate is an online multiplayer first-person shooter game developed and published by 1047 Games. The game was originally released in a pre beta state for free on May 24th, 2019, for Microsoft Windows, with its beta released on July 13th, 2021. On July 27th, 2021, Splitgate expanded its platforms to Xbox One, Xbox Series X, PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5, with the cross-play feature available for all platforms.

It will come out of its beta state and release fully in Late August 2021, after the original plan for a July 27th release was delayed as a surge of players meant the servers needed upgrades.

As of August 2021, the game consistently hits 50,000 active players on Steam daily, at peak times.


Splitgate's base mechanics are similar to those of Halo 3's multiplayer mode, with no classes and no perks, setting it apart from many other popular FPS video-games. The game's unique core mechanic is the ability to spawn Portals onto Portal Walls. These gateways can be used strategically to outsmart and outplay the player's opponents by flanking them from behind, navigating to a better position for combat or to quickly flee from a dangerous position. Splitgate uses standard FPS controls, which allows people who have gameplay knowledge in other FPS games to easily learn how to play Splitgate. The skill cap is unlimited.

The developers of Splitgate describe themselves as “passionate fans of Halo”, and it’s easy to see the influence. Guns... are uninspired analogues to weapons that have appeared in the Halo series.


Splitgate began as a Stanford University school partner project between Ian Proulx and Nicholas Bagamian. The pair came up with the idea to "put portals into a first-person shooter", and once they both graduated, they continued to work on their project until it was a proper video game playable by the general public. Bagamian also turned down a full-time job offer from Amazon to pursue development work on their game, convinced by Proulx that the game would be a big success.

The 1047 Games company was named after the pair's dorm room, which was numbered 1047. They hired multiple skilled programmers, designers and artists to assist them on the game, eventually adding up to make a 25 person development team. The entire team was working large amounts of hours to get the game polished during the week before launch, especially Bagamian who apparently stayed up for 62 hours straight just to work on what would become Splitgate: Arena Warfare.

Splitgate: Arena Warfare was initially meant to be launched at an earlier date, but one member of the team had tested the game resulting in a program crash, therefore the team delayed the release to fix these issues and finally released the game on Friday, May 24th, 2019.


  • Before the name 'Splitgate' the game went through different iterations of its title; 'Splitgate: Arena Warfare', 'Portal Wars,' 'Portal Warfare,' & 'Wormhole Wars.' The executable file for Splitgate is still named 'PortalWars.exe', which was the game's original internal name.
  • A female Metro UK journalist created a fake hoax surrounding the Teabag Confirmed game mode to ruin the games reputation (read more).







The Story Of Splitgate (OMEN Esports Report)

Splitgate: Arena Warfare Review
